Title | Version | Size | Uploaded | |
1848 |
![]() World generated using the Open Street Map to Webots importer |
R2022b | 3.5 M | 2022-05-24 10:44:38 |
870 |
Complete apartment
![]() A complete apartment including two bedrooms, one bathroom, one restroom, stairs and a balcony This simulation was sponsored by Kamal Othman & Prof. Ahmad Rad from AISL-SFU |
R2022b | 11.1 M | 2022-09-12 16:52:12 |
589 |
![]() ROBOTIS OP2 robot. The ROBOTIS OP2 robot simulation model can be programmed using the ROBOTIS OP2 motions files and the ROBOTIS OP2 walk control library. |
R2022b | 397 K | 2022-09-12 16:59:59 |
482 |
ROS2-Webots Armed Robots Demo
![]() |
R2023a | 10.4 M | 2022-12-21 15:05:42 |
457 |
A factory hall environment
![]() This example uses some of the industrial objects included in Webots to create a factory hall. The tools, valves and doors are interactive. This means that a robot could grab a hammer, turn a valve handle, climb the stairs or open a door. |
R2022b | 8.8 M | 2022-09-12 16:53:06 |
359 |
Break Room
![]() An office break room, surrounded by office desks. This world contains the domestic objects included in Webots. Doors are interactive. This means that a robot could open a drawer, leave an object inside it, and close it. |
R2022b | 1.8 M | 2022-09-12 16:55:09 |
316 |
TurtleBot3 burger
![]() A model of the third version of the TurtleBot |
R2022b | 4.8 M | 2022-09-13 08:33:15 |
250 |
Sojourner Rover
![]() A model of the NASA Sojourner Rover on Mars. Use the numpad to drive this robot. Author: Nicolas Uebelhart Haute Ecole d'Ingenierie et de Gestion de Vaud (HEIG-VD) |
R2022b | 1 M | 2022-09-12 16:57:35 |
232 |
JetBot Basic Motion
![]() JetBot basic motion performed using a C controller. |
R2022b | 579 K | 2022-12-14 09:09:59 |
181 |
Attitude computation using an IMU
![]() Example world demonstrating the difference between InertialUnit measurements and the fusion of multiple sensors: accelerometer, compass and gyro. |
R2023a | 42.7 K | 2022-11-09 14:08:29 |
Title | Version | Duration | Size | Uploaded |
Title | Branch/Tag | Version | Updated |
Title | Branch/Tag | Version | Updated |














A rubber material. The type of rubber can be set using the `type` field.

Portal PICAXE-28X2 (A4 TECHNOLOGIE) This small portal model is used for education with PICAXE programming tools

The "Blimp" robot is a Zeppelin-like aerial robot developed by the EPFL LIS laboratory.

A controllable conveyor platform. The default controller makes it move at a constant speed for a configurable amount of time. The conveyor contains 3 controllable LEDs.

The Kondo's KHR-2HV More info here: http://www.kondo-robot.com/EN/

Generic model of a vehicle wheel implemented at the Solid-node level. The dimensions of the wheel can be set with the parmameters 'thickness' and 'tireRadius'. The quality of the cylinder approximation can be set with the parameter 'subdivision'. The subdivision and size of the round edges of the tire can be set with the parameters 'curvatureFactor' and 'edgeSubdivision'. The size, shape and position of the rim can be set with the parameters 'rimRadius' 'rimBeamNumber' 'rimBeamWidth' 'rimBeamThickness' 'rimBeamOffset'. Finally the size of the central part of the rim can be set with the parameters 'centralInnerRadius' and 'centralOuterRadius'. This model was sponsored by the [CTI project RO2IVSim](http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

Double sided and adjustable advertising board with the possibility of adding up to four poles. Those poles can either be a `cylinder`, `box`, or an `H-shape`.

The "Khepera" robot is a two-wheeled robot produced by K-Team.

A P-Grip gripper rom F&P Robotics

NVIDIA Jetson Nano embedded module. This is a graphical model that can be extended with solid parts, devices and physics properties.

Simple kinematic model of the Tesla model 3 to be moved with a Supervisor.

ROBOTIS OP2 is an open platform, miniature humanoid robot used for research, education and outreach The model contains principally: - the 20 DOF - LEDs - accelerometer - gyro - camera - realistic physics

Model of a Toyota Prius car using the Car PROTO as a base. The contactMaterial of the wheels is "ToyotaPriusWheels". This model was sponsored by the [CTI project RO2IVSim](http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

An KUKA iiwa 7 R800 robotic arm.

A static cat.

Model of the Intel Realsense D455 RGBD camera.

The "Yamor" robot is a modular robot developed by the EPFL BioRob laboratory.

An eye screw with variable radius and length.

BOT120 PICAXE-20X2 Microbot (Revolution Education Ltd.) This small robot is used for education with PICAXE programming tools

A small metal box.

Box with customizable texture mapping on selected faces. If the boolean value associated with a face (`frontFace`, `leftFace`, etc.) is FALSE, then the uniform color specified in `faceColor` field will be applied instead of the texture. This is an extension of the TexturedBox geometry PROTO. Available texture mappings: - `cube` mapping: see texture at projects/samples/geometries/worlds/textures/cube_mapping.jpg - `compact` cube mapping: see texture at projects/samples/geometries/worlds/textures/compact_mapping.jpg - `flat` mapping: projecting the texture on the front face. - `metric` mapping: similar to default mapping but the texture is not deformed to match each face size. - `default` mapping: same texture on all the faces. A demo of these mappings is available in projects/samples/geometries/worlds/textured_boxes.wbt.

Velodyne HDL-32E sensor model based on the Lidar PROTO. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

Simple non-controllable model of a generic motorbike without physics properties.

Ibeo Lux sensor model based on the Lidar PROTO. If 'fastModel' is set to TRUE then the sensor simulation should run faster but the noise, resolution and spherical correction is not enabled. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

Model of a Range Rover Sport SVR 2015.

A cutomizable openable door.

A simple curved road, the number of lanes, the curvature and the dimensions are configurable, an optional border can be enable. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

Raspberry pi extension for the e-puck robot model 2 To be inserted in the `turretSlot` of the E-puck node.

Defines the properties of a road line. This node should be used in the `lines` field of a road node.

Robot soccer field inspired from the RoboCup 2014 Standard Platform League. The soccer field is built on a total carpet area of length 10.4 m and width 7.4 m. The field dimensions (within the white lines) are 9 x 6 m.

A box object implemented at the Solid-node level. The box has similar properties as the VRML Box node in term of axis and fields. The UV-mapping is defined in a metric way (the textures are not deformed - the reference is the longest edge).

A simple laptop.

QRIO ("Quest for cuRIOsity", originally named Sony Dream Robot or SDR) is a bipedal humanoid entertainment robot developed and marketed by Sony.


Sick LD-MRS model. Supported types: `400001`, `400102`, `400001S01`, `400102S01` and `800001S01`. Reference: https://www.sick.com/us/en/detection-and-ranging-solutions/3d-lidar-sensors/ld-mrs/c/g91913

A configurable circle arena composed of floor surrounded by wall.

Parallel gripper end-effector for the TIAGo robot from PAL Robotics.

A customizable building, the size and geometry can fully be defined. The texture of the wall is selected randomly. The roof shape can be either 'flat' or 'pyramidal' (in case of pyramidal roof it is possible to define the height).

Coupler linking a ROBOTIQ gripper to the TIAGo robot. Available gripper models are: "2F-85", "2F-140", and "EPick".
![Model of Hokuyo UTM-30LX (lidar device).
- field of view: 270 [deg]
- range : 0.1 to 30 [m]
- resolution : 1080 * 0.25 [deg]
- dimension : 0.06 x 0.087 x 0.06 [m]
- weight : 0.37 [kg]](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberbotics/webots/released/projects/devices/hokuyo/protos/icons/HokuyoUtm30lx.png)

Model of Hokuyo UTM-30LX (lidar device). specs: - field of view: 270 [deg] - range : 0.1 to 30 [m] - resolution : 1080 * 0.25 [deg] - dimension : 0.06 x 0.087 x 0.06 [m] - weight : 0.37 [kg]
![A customizable cabinet containing elements (shelves, dynamic doors, and drawers).
The internal cabinet layout is a grid in which the elements can be inserted.
The grid dimension (and so the cabinet size) is defined by the 'rowsHeights' and the 'columnsWidths' fields.
The `layout` field is defining the location and the dimension of the elements into the grid layout, according to the following syntax:
- `layout`: list("[RightSidedDoor|LeftSiderDoor|Drawer|Shelf] (x, y, column span, row span[, mass])"
The coordinate origin (1,1) of the grid layout is at the bottom left corner.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberbotics/webots/released/projects/objects/cabinet/protos/icons/Cabinet.png)

A customizable cabinet containing elements (shelves, dynamic doors, and drawers). The internal cabinet layout is a grid in which the elements can be inserted. The grid dimension (and so the cabinet size) is defined by the 'rowsHeights' and the 'columnsWidths' fields. The `layout` field is defining the location and the dimension of the elements into the grid layout, according to the following syntax: - `layout`: list("[RightSidedDoor|LeftSiderDoor|Drawer|Shelf] (x, y, column span, row span[, mass])" The coordinate origin (1,1) of the grid layout is at the bottom left corner.

Simple kinematic model of the Toyota Prius to be moved with a Supervisor. This model was sponsored by the [CTI project RO2IVSim](http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

A static dog.

Efficient and customizable forest. Tree types are: - 'oak tree' - 'crab apple tree' - 'cherry tree' - 'birch tree' - 'palm tree' - 'spruce' - 'white pine' - 'hackberry tree' - 'hazel tree' The 'random' type choose randomly a tree type each time the node is regenerated. The shape of the forest can either be defined using the 'shape' and 'density' fields or the coordinate of each tree can be defined in external files ( X,Y,Z per tree, one tree per line). The path to those files must be defined with respect to the world file. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

Model of an infra-red sensor of the Khepera III robot. The lookup table was calibrated using data collected from a real Khepera III. Measures were carried out between 0 and 44.5 cm using a white obstacle and a black ground. Electronic part: Vishay TCRT5000

Official soccer field for the Robocup Humanoid League 2021.

Customizable table.

A generic traffic light with configurable timming.

A cardboard box.

Simple kinematic model of the Citroën C-Zero to be moved with a Supervisor. This model was sponsored by the [CTI project RO2IVSim](http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).
![This is a PROTO file for Webots of the infrared sensor GP2Y0A02YK0F from Sharp.
Effective range: 20 to 150 cm, datasheet: https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/Infrared/gp2y0a02yk_e.pdf
Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point.
y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 1.784*x^(-0.4215)-1.11
y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 0.7611*x^(-0.9313)-0.1252](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberbotics/webots/released/projects/devices/sharp/protos/icons/SharpGP2Y0A02YK0F.png)

This is a PROTO file for Webots of the infrared sensor GP2Y0A02YK0F from Sharp. Effective range: 20 to 150 cm, datasheet: https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/Infrared/gp2y0a02yk_e.pdf Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point. y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 1.784*x^(-0.4215)-1.11 y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 0.7611*x^(-0.9313)-0.1252

A customizable window including walls above and below.

A simple straight road, the number of lanes and the dimensions are configurable. Furthermore, an optional border can be enabled. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).
1.199 -0.007 0.272 I-Mev benchmark](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberbotics/webots/released/projects/vehicles/protos/citroen/icons/CitroenCZero.png)

Model of a Citroën C-Zero car using the Car PROTO as a base. The vehicle is modeled with realistic physics properties: motor torques, body mass, friction forces, suspensions, etc. The contactMaterial of the wheels is "CitroenCZeroWheels". This model was sponsored by the [CTI project RO2IVSim](http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles). 1.199 -0.007 0.272 I-Mev benchmark

A Star Wars inspired scout RX28 walking robot. It was created by Matt Denton.
![This is a PROTO file for Webots of the GP2D120 IR sensor from Sharp.
Effective range: 4 to 30 cm, datasheet: https://www.pololu.com/file/0J157/GP2D120-DATA-SHEET.pdf
Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point.
y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 0.5131*x^(-0.5735)-0.6143
y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 0.1594*x^(-0.8533)-0.02916](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberbotics/webots/released/projects/devices/sharp/protos/icons/SharpGP2D120.png)

This is a PROTO file for Webots of the GP2D120 IR sensor from Sharp. Effective range: 4 to 30 cm, datasheet: https://www.pololu.com/file/0J157/GP2D120-DATA-SHEET.pdf Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point. y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 0.5131*x^(-0.5735)-0.6143 y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 0.1594*x^(-0.8533)-0.02916

Ultrasound sensor of a Khepera III robot. Electronic parts: Midas 400ST100 (transmitter) and 400SR100 (receiver)

Simple and configurable wooden pallet stack.

A simple ramp made of two 30° slopes and a flat top. The ramp is a static object (not physics-enabled) so it will not move when hit.

A flag

Pen designed to be inserted directly into the Thymio II's bodySlot field cf. https://aseba.wikidot.com/fr:thymiodrawing

Resizable oil barrel.

Smartmicro UMR-A0 type 29 sensor model based on the Radar node. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

A customizable crossroad which can contain optionally references to its connected roads and a shape.

The "Khepera II" robot is a two-wheeled robot produced by K-Team.

Simple kinematic model of the Range Rover Sport SVR 2015 to be moved with a Supervisor.

Model of a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter.

Tinkerbots axle. More information on: [TinkerbotsBase](https://webots.cloud/run?url=https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots/blob/released/projects/robots/kinematics/tinkerbots/protos/TinkerbotsBase.proto)

Simple kinematic model of the Lincoln MKZ 2017 to be moved with a Supervisor.

An asphalt material. The color can be overridden using the `colorOverride` field. Useful with the `Road` PROTO.

A wooden box.

This is a PROTO file for Webots for the robot TIAGo from PAL Robotics (Spain). It is the robot's left arm that can be connected to the TIAGo body.

A floor light (0.19 x 0.19 x 1.6 m).
![This is a PROTO file for Webots of the infrared sensor GP2Y0A710K0F from Sharp.
Effective range: 100 to 550 cm, datasheet: https://global.sharp/products/device/lineup/data/pdf/datasheet/gp2y0a710k_e.pdf
Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point.
y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 1.962*x^(-0.5214)+0.4926
y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 20.24*x^(-4.76)+0.6632](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberbotics/webots/released/projects/devices/sharp/protos/icons/SharpGP2Y0A710K0F.png)

This is a PROTO file for Webots of the infrared sensor GP2Y0A710K0F from Sharp. Effective range: 100 to 550 cm, datasheet: https://global.sharp/products/device/lineup/data/pdf/datasheet/gp2y0a710k_e.pdf Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point. y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 1.962*x^(-0.5214)+0.4926 y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 20.24*x^(-4.76)+0.6632

A warehouse with optional boundingObject.

Virtual walls are an accessory of the IRobot Create allowing to inform the robot about areas typically for restricted access to a room.

A brushed aluminum material.

A leather material. The color can be overridden using the `colorOverride` field.

Efficient (with only 8 polygones) and customizable outdoor tree. Tree types are: - 'oak tree' - 'crab apple tree' - 'cherry tree' - 'birch tree' - 'palm tree' - 'spruce' - 'white pine' - 'hackberry tree' - 'hazel tree' The 'random' type choose randomly a tree type each time the node is regenerated.

A chair (0.5 x 0.5 x 1 m).

A pipe object implemented at the Solid-node level. Graphically, the SolidPipe is an IndexedFaceSet. Physically, the SolidPipe is a set of N boxes, where N is the subdivision field. The 'accuracy' field defines how much boxes position can differ on z-axis: a 0 value represents an error-free model but it will slow down the simulation.

Generic and customizable stairs model.

A rubber yellow duck (7.42 x 10.66 x 10.13 cm).

A computer keyboard.

An apple (0.05 x 0.05 x 0.05 m).

The Motorbike driver is based on the pedestrian PROTO.

LEGO Mindstorm EV3 large motor. Part id: 6009430.

A double fluorescent lamp. It does not contain any actual Light node, it only uses emissive color.

A sand material.

Traffic cone.

A generic car tire appearance. Useful with the "VehicleWheel" PROTO.

TIAGo robot's body from PAL Robotics. The body can be extended with arms.

A fridge with 2 doors (0.7 x 0.7 x 1.8 m).

A parquetry material. The type of parquetry can be set using the `type` field. The color can be overridden using the `colorOverride` field.
![This is a PROTO file for Webots of the infrared sensor GP2Y0A41SK0F from Sharp.
Effective range: 4 to 30 cm, datasheet: https://www.pololu.com/file/0J713/GP2Y0A41SK0F.pdf
Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point.
y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 0.5131*x^(-0.5735)-0.6143
y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 0.1594*x^(-0.8533)-0.02916](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberbotics/webots/released/projects/devices/sharp/protos/icons/SharpGP2Y0A41SK0F.png)

This is a PROTO file for Webots of the infrared sensor GP2Y0A41SK0F from Sharp. Effective range: 4 to 30 cm, datasheet: https://www.pololu.com/file/0J713/GP2Y0A41SK0F.pdf Based on the lookupTable, power fitting method after the highest voltage point. y[V] = f(x[m]) => y = 0.5131*x^(-0.5735)-0.6143 y[m] = f(x[V]) => y = 0.1594*x^(-0.8533)-0.02916

A tire rubber material. It can be a car tire or a bike tire.

Traffic sign: Order sign.

Distance sensor of the Pioneer 3AT robot.

Tinkerbots motor block. More information on: [TinkerbotsBase](https://webots.cloud/run?url=https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots/blob/released/projects/robots/kinematics/tinkerbots/protos/TinkerbotsBase.proto)

Insert your Thymio II above this ball cf. https://aseba.wikidot.com/fr:thymioballeinverse

An orange (0.05 x 0.05 x 0.05 m).

Generic gear generator, inspired by Brian Paul's glxgears demo.

An hospital bed.

LEGO Mindstrom EV 3 wheel. Parts id: 4634091 & 6035364.

A matte paint material. The color can be selected in the `baseColor` field.

A PCB material.

Smartmicro UMR-A0 type 31 sensor model based on the Radar node. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

A simple and configurable helicoidal road showing how to use the Road PROTO in order to create 3D roads. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

A beer bottle.

Tinkerbots grabber block. More information on: [TinkerbotsBase](https://webots.cloud/run?url=https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots/blob/released/projects/robots/kinematics/tinkerbots/protos/TinkerbotsBase.proto)

A plastic box.

Smartmicro UMR-A0 type 30 sensor model based on the Radar node. This model was sponsored by the CTI project RO2IVSim (http://transport.epfl.ch/simulator-for-mobile-robots-and-intelligent-vehicles).

A soil material.

A static brown and white cow.

A non-controllable truck trailer model with physics properties. The length and number of wheels is configurable.

Tinkerbots twister block. More information on: [TinkerbotsBase](https://webots.cloud/run?url=https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots/blob/released/projects/robots/kinematics/tinkerbots/protos/TinkerbotsBase.proto)

Left version of the Hey5 hand end-effector for the TIAGo robot from PAL Robotics.

The room of the Nao challenge

A solar panel cell material.
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